Wednesday, November 25, 2009

West Valley Auto Plaza, WE JERK YOU AROUND

Wes and I bought from West Valley Auto Plaza about 8 months ago. We decided that it is time we started telling our story since we're still paying for it! It's taken us several months to come to grips with what happened and actually be willing to talk about it because of how angry it makes us thinking about it.

We went into West Valley Auto Plaza knowing we didn't have a lot of money, the highest credit, and so probably couldn't get the cheapest interest rate. We were clueless, and Wes needed a car, so we went there to not be "jerked around". First of all, we kept asking for what cars were available and felt they weren't allowing us to just look and see. They tried for a couple hours to convince us to buy a piece of crap Chevy Cobalt. It wasn't going to happen. Granted, we should have been smarter, but these guys made us feel so comfortable and that they were going to hook us up. In the end after 5 hours of nonsense, we were tired, and had found what we thought would be a cheap car (an '07 Mazda 3). It was a higher monthly payment, but we figured it was higher solely due to the credit bit, so we just swallowed and moved forward. In the end, we ended up paying $5,000 more than the car was worth! He didn't go through the contract the way EVERY other dealership had, that either of us had bought from. He did however forget to mention that the loan was over 72 months. We assumed it would be a shorter loan with a higher monthly payment. Nope, those jerks blatantly ripped us off.

Now, if this isn't being "jerked around", I don't what it is. All I know is that Nick Markosian and his little West Valley Auto Plaza family are the most dishonest people I have ever came across in my life and I hope they end up getting "jerked around" in the end.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Baby Grover

Ok, so I know it's really lame to make two separate posts in one day, but I think it's necessary since the Wedding and Baby are two very important events and they deserve their own space.

So yes, I have been pregnant for about a month now. Wes and I thought I probably was due to pain in my stomach and A LOT of crying! I was more afraid of not being pregnant just because I would have no explanation for being so overly emotional and that would be embarrassing. Wes would have really began to question why on Earth he married me! But, in my defense, and to my relief, I am pregnant and we could not be more excited! My due date is July 16, so some time around then, the world had better watch out for the cutest pale skinned and dimpled baby around!

We can't wait, this is so exciting! Despite all the hardships and scary things going on in the world, I have realized that having a loving selfless husband with a baby on the way brings more joy than anything! Wes is the greatest, and I feel so blessed to be married to him. I will keep you all posted as far as the little one goes.

The Absolute Greatest Marriage

Well, I am a very trendy person. I only do "cool" things, thus here I am following the trend and starting a blog for my family. Wes has one,, but I think it's only appropriate I start one, to add to what he says as well as give my rebuttal to anything that my view sees differently.

So, yeah, we're the Grovers. TheSuperGrovers was already taken, so I thought, we're better than them anyway, so we're TheSuperDuperGrovers instead!

Wes and I met a year ago and boy has our relationship been a roller coaster. Unfortunately, not always the fun ones you get to go on, either! We've had many ups and downs getting to know each other and learning how to problem solve, but in the end, the hard times that came in the beginning have blessed us with a marriage built on a solid foundation. For that, all the hard things in the past, were well worth the fight and we couldn't be happier! Well, at least I couldn't be happier, I'm sure my emotional craziness has taken it's tole on Wes. Ha ha! He still loves me though!

We got married almost 3 months ago, August 15, 2009, in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. It was the most perfect day! It poured right after we came out of the temple, but the weather for the reception was beautiful. It was about 70 degrees, we were in the shade, and the park near my parents home was decorated so nice, we had many compliments. I couldn't have asked for anything more that day!

Wes and I went to California on our honeymoon. We went to the San Diego Zoo, Sea World (where he bought me a puppet of Grover, the Super Grovers weren't as cute there), Disneyland and CA Adventures, and also Universal Studios. We stopped and took pictures at the San Diego Temple (by the way pictures will be coming soon, I really suck at that), but wow, that is a gorgeous temple!

Now we're just working and he's in school full time and we're living the poor newly wed life and couldn't love it more!